Author Archives: TimL

Using modern web browsers and enabling "System Tools > Security > General > Use anti xss headers" will force continued HTTPS usage.

Old web browsers can be redirected by enabling MOTD, then adding the following to the end of your MOTD.html file:

    if (document.location.href.indexOf("http:") > -1) {
        document.location.href = document.location.href.replace(/http:\/\//, "https://");

Existing key pair

If you already have a key pair (private and signed public) in a keystore (.jks, or .pfx/pkcs12) or as separate files (.pem) just make sure the server.xml file is pointing to them and restart the Noodle service. (see below for server.xml examples)

Making a keystore

1. Prepare

  • Before a HTTPS connection is created and linked to the keys, make a backup of the server.xml file.
  • Use CMD to add Keytool to your path (use the real path to keytool) e.g.:

2. Generate Keystore

keytool -genkey -alias noodle.domain.tld -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keystore noodle.pfx

Once this command has been entered, Keytool will ask some questions regarding your company. Enter information as follows:

  • Keystore Password: The first time you run this tool, it will create the keystore file protected by a password. You will need this password every time you access the keystore file.
  • First and Last name: the domain name, for example noodle.domain.tld .
  • Name of organizational unit: This is not the company name, but may be an internal department, e.g. Marketing Department.
  • Name of your organization: Your company name, e.g. Vialect Inc.
  • City or location, e.g. Windsor
  • State or Province, e.g. Ontario
  • 2-Letter Country code, e.g. CA
  • Certificate password: This can be the same as the password for the keystore file.

3. Get your Certificate signed

Popular Certificate Authorities (CA) include Let's Encrypt, Thawte, VeriSign, GoDaddy, Network Solutions.

  • Make a certificate signing request (CSR):
keytool -certreq -alias noodle.domain.tld -keystore noodle.pfx -file noodlecert.csr

After uploading the file or pasting the text from that file in the CA,

Select "Tomcat" as the format when downloading your signed public key from your CA.

  • Import root certificates, if required:
keytool -import -alias carootcert -trustcacerts -file ca-root.crt -keystore noodle.pfx
  • Import intermediate certificates, if required:
keytool -import -alias intermediate -trustcacerts -file intermediate.crt -keystore noodle.pfx
  • Apply the Certificate Signature:
keytool -import -alias noodle.domain.tld -trustcacerts -file noodlecert.crt -keystore noodle.pfx

4. Create a HTTPS Connection

Edit server.xml by adding and adjusting the following example:

<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="443" defaultSSLHostConfigName="null" SSLEnabled="true" >
    <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
    <SSLHostConfig hostName="null" protocols="TLSv1.2,+TLSv1.3">
        <Certificate type="RSA" certificateKeystoreFile="noodle.pfx" certificateKeystorePassword="123456"/>

5. Restart the Noodle service

Noodle can now be accessed using the HTTPS protocols.

If using Windows make sure The NoodleHTTPS entry in the your firewall is enabled and the correct port. 


Let's Encrypt

Consider a free certificate (not self signed) as an alternative to not using SSL. server.xml example:

<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="443" defaultSSLHostConfigName="noodle.domain.tld" SSLEnabled="true" >
    <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
    <SSLHostConfig hostName="noodle.domain.tld" protocols="TLSv1.2,+TLSv1.3">
        type="RSA" />

Linux script


Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Read how here.

Use Strong Encryption

Read how here.


Converting is not required as jks, pfx(pkcs12), pem are all supported.

The amount of information sent to the noodle.log can be adjusted in file. To enable Debug Logging do the following:

  1. Upgrade
  3. If using windows stop Noodle in order to unlock files.
  4. Empty the log folder
  5. Restart Noodle
  6. Perform the action requiring information
  7. Stop Noodle
  8. Zip the log folder
  9. Email the zip to Vialect
  10. Revert the conf file
  11. Start Noodle


  • The Windows installer will make a service automatically for you.


  • The Linux installer defaults to not adding a Noodle service.
  • Systemd:
    1. cp /opt/Noodle/noodle.service /lib/systemd/system/
    2. systemctl enable noodle
  • init
    1. cp /opt/noodle/noodle.daemon /etc/init.d/noodle
    2. Enable the service:
      • debian: update-rc.d noodle defaults
      • red hat: chkconfig --add noodle;chkconfig noodle on;

For MSSQL installations go here.

For Domain Managed Machines go here.

For linux instructions go here

Installing on Windows:

  1. Download Noodle from here
  2. Run the installer on Windows 2016 or later (older versions of windows require manual DB setup)
  3. Press next a few times
    • Java and PGSQL will  be installed unless a DB is already locally installed in which case the connection can be setup manually.
    • PGSQL can be removed if is configured to use a remote DB server.
  4. That's it now you can use Noodle in your web browser. Windows server 2016 considers Internet Explorer a security risk so check the config for the selected port and use your desktop web browser.
  5. Check the log folder for details or ask us for help

Bookmarks or "favorites" are a basic but very useful browser feature.  Noodle has a simple yet powerful bookmark system featuring tabs to organize your most frequently used applications.  Users can set up their own custom tabs in the Quickbar which can include a link to any application or page the user has the rights to access.

  1. From the My Profile Page, click the edit button in the top right.  In the General Settings Tab choose Yes to Display Quickbar.  Save your changes and log back in to Noodle to apply. Select the Edit link that now appears in the top left under the Toolbar Logo to open the Quickbar Settings.
  1. Add a tab by entering a name into the textbox below the list of currently available tabs.  (Ex. Company Forms or Personal Pages...)  Select Create New to save. When a tab is selected, a list of it's linked applications or pages will now be shown in the lower list.  Click  "Add New" and select an application in the new window to create a link to another application.

Shortcut names may be altered from this menu by selecting them in the lower list and entering a new name for them in the textbox.  Select Rename.
Quickbar tab names may also be changed in the same fashion.

The full database engine should be installed with all components, including the full-text search option before Noodle is installed. (Noodle will install PostgreSQL if it finds no other local DBs, but that can be removed if a remote DB is preferred)

Make sure you have Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later installed. Download  here. EOL dates here.

  1. Create a Database
    • Open up the MSSQL Enterprise Manager.
    • Connect to the database engine that will be used for Noodle.
    • Right-click on the folder and select Create Database.
    • A new window will open to configure the database, Specify the name: intranet.
  2. Creating a Login
    • Expand the Security section and right-click on Logins then New Login.
    • Login Name: noodleuser
    • SQL Server Authentication
    • Password: noodlepass
    • Do not enforce password policy (at least don't require change or expire)
    • Default Database: intranet
    • Set User Mapping of the intranet database to db_owner
  3. Enable TCP/IP Settings
    • Right click on the instance and select properties, security, than select SQL Authentication
    • SQL
    • Open the Sql Server Configuration Manager and expand SQL Server Network Configuration.  Select Protocols for MSSQLSERVER, enable TCP/IP.
    • Right-click to reveal properties, ensure one IP# is set as
    • For all IP#s using and the IPAll set the port to 1433, and blank out the dynamic port.
    • Restart the MSSQL service
  4. Install Noodle
  5. Configure Noodle
    • Edit the "" file in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Noodle\conf" folder
    • Verify the user, and pass
    • Uncomment (#) from the MSSQL lines and comment any other databases
    • Close and save changes.
    • restart the noodle service
  6. Open a web browser (preferably chrome), go to the IP and port ( is the default), and paste in your license key.

Getting Started Wizard

The Getting Started Wizard allows for Noodle to be pre-configured with a colour-scheme, logo, sections, modules and users.

  • Step 1. Customize the look for Noodle
  • Step 2. What sections would you like created with the navigation?
  • Step 3. Invite and welcome fellow workers

Step 1. Customize the look for Noodle

This step allows for the colour scheme and top-bar logo to be changed. Use the palette-slider or hex values to choose a colour and the Browse... button to upload a logo. The logo should be 130 pixels wide, 55 pixels wide.

Step 2. What sections would you like created with the navigation?

This step allows for extra sections to be added to the navigation with additional modules. Click the Add Section link to add more sections and put a tick in each checkbox under modules to be included:

Step 3. Invite and welcome fellow workers

This final step allows for email addresses to be specified for invitations to be sent out. Put each address on a separate line.

Your new Noodle is now complete and ready to use. Press the Use My Noodle button to be redirected to the login page.

Customizing Noodle

Also accessible from the General Settings tab, in the Settings section, within System Tools:

  • Pick the Color for your Noodle - This setting allows the color scheme for Noodle to be altered. Select a colour from the pallette and click Choose Color to confirm.
  • Company Login Logo - Add a custom image to your login page here. Size is not restricted or altered, however, consideration should obviously taken regarding screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Company Toolbar Logo - This is a 130x55 pixel image that will be displayed in the very top-right of the Noodle interface, in the top-bar.
  • Top bar background - This setting allows an image to be selected to be used for the Top Bar background. Check the Tile checkbox to repeat the image.
  • Quick Bar background - This setting allows an image to be selected to be used for the QuickBar background. Check the Tile checkbox to repeat the image.

Creating Sections and Adding Modules

The first step is to decide on how the navigation will be structured. A common methodology to follow is as follows:

  • Top Section: Company Headlines - This is the first section that is created and is also known as the Dashboard or Homepage. This section can contain modules that will be available to everyone in the company, such as the main Calendar.
  • Departmental Sections - After the Company Headlines Section, departmental sections can be created that reflect the structure of the organization. These sections should contain applications and modules for the respective departments.
  • Project Sections - If you have ongoing projects or initiatives, sections can be created to allow resources to be made available specifically for members of project groups.

Designing Section Headlines

Once the Sections and applications have been created, Pages can now be designed to pull information from modules and activity to be displayed in the relevant widgets. Widgets can be arranged to display the most relevant information at the top of pages, as well as new announcements.
