The and server.xml text files are in the conf directory.
If there are problems with the conf the logs will tell you about them.
Changes to the conf file will take effect the next time Noodle starts.
The and server.xml text files are in the conf directory.
If there are problems with the conf the logs will tell you about them.
Changes to the conf file will take effect the next time Noodle starts.
There is a limitation of the PostgreSQL installer if you are using windows domains.
The installer will need to make a postgres user that have write permissions on %PROGRAMFILES%\Postgres.
If the PostgreSQL is/will-be unable to do so, please setup the permissions beforehand. Adding write for "Everyone" or adding rights for a new postgres user with the default password Pgsq1p@ssword will avert this limitation.
If you tried a normal noodle install and you have a black "upgrade in progress" screen then this is likely the problem. There is no need to reinstall noodle; just uninstall PostgreSQL, set up the permissions, download the PGInstaller and reinstall PostgreSQL.
After you install PostgreSQL you will need to edit the pg_hba.conf and make sure there is a " password" line.
Next run the init.sql in the Noodle folder with PGAdmin3 one line at a time.
Restart the PostgreSQL then Noodle service.
Full-text search is extensible to any format, so long as there is a CLI tool to convert it to text.
Configuration of ORACLE and MSSQL built-in indexers differ and can be used in combination with this method.
To index the contents of popular formats like office documents on linux add the following to your .conf:
#tested #apt/yum install -y poppler-utils pstotext antiword html2text unrtf python-excelerator libwpd-tools unzip catdoc Indexer.IndexContent = ALL Indexer.toTxt.Enabled = true Indexer.toTxt.pdf = "pdftotext -q -eol unix -enc UTF-8 $IN $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.doc = "antiword $IN > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.html = "html2text -nobs -o $OUT $IN" Indexer.toTxt.xls = "xls2csv $IN > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.mp3 = "id3info $IN | grep '===' | grep -v 'PRIV' | grep -v 'image\/' | perl -p -e 's/^.+(\)|\])\:/ /g' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.rtf = "unrtf --nopict --text $IN 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^### ' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.docx = "unzip -p $IN word/document.xml | perl -p -e 's/<.+?>/ /g' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.pptx = "unzip -p $IN ppt/slides/*.xml | perl -p -e 's/<.+?>/ /g' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.xlsx = "unzip -p $IN xl/sharedStrings.xml | perl -p -e 's/<.+?>/ /g' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.odt = "unzip -p $IN content.xml | perl -p -e 's/<.+?>/ /g' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.ods = "unzip -p $IN content.xml | perl -p -e 's/<.+?>/ /g' > $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.odp = "unzip -p $IN content.xml | perl -p -e 's/<.+?>/ /g' > $OUT" # TensorFlow image search #Indexer.toTxt.jpg = "python --image $IN | grep -P '^1\. ' > $OUT" ## others #Indexer.toTxt.wpd = "wpd2text $IN > $OUT" #Indexer.toTxt.jpg = "exiftool $IN > $OUT #for camera type or gps location" #Indexer.toTxt.xls = "py_xlstoTxt $IN > $OUT # supports sheets but adds sheet = ----" #Indexer.toTxt.docx = "unzip -p $IN word/document.xml | sed -e 's/<[^>]\{1,\}>/ /g' > $OUT"
Windows examples
Indexer.IndexContent = ALL Indexer.Interval = 30 Indexer.toTxt.Enabled = true Indexer.toTxt.pdf = "\"C:/Program Files/xpdf/pdftotext.exe\" $IN $OUT" Indexer.toTxt.doc = "C:\antiword\antiword.exe $IN > $OUT"
You can populate your conf file with command line method of converting the file types of your choice to text.
Be sure "System Tools > Settings > General > Enable Full Text Search" is set to "Yes".
Make sure you adhere to formatting restrictions.
1. Add or un-comment the following line in the file:
ScriptFile = “noodleScript.js”
2. Add custom JavaScript to noodleScript.js
3. Restart Noodle.
To test put this in the noodleScript.js:
alert("It works");
Save it and re-login to Noodle.
Other ways to insert custom JavaScript here.
You may want to wait for top.noodle like this.
You need custom scripts enabled and a page re-writer setup.
if (url.indexOf("datamanager/ReportView.po")>-1){ doc.getElementById("totalsTable").style.display="none"; }
There are numerous backup methods generally complete or partial, hot or cold.
A simple method is a cold complete backup:
More options for database backups include:
Production environments should select a backup strategy to maximize flexibility while reducing server load and storage requirements.
For details on backup options please read your database documentation.
Also see the windows postgres example
To insert JavaScript or HTML into the login page of Noodle - often used for a Message of the Day (MOTD) or legal waiver:
Other ways to insert JavaScript here
Using modern web browsers and enabling "System Tools > Security > General > Use anti xss headers" will force continued HTTPS usage.
Old web browsers can be redirected by enabling MOTD, then adding the following to the end of your MOTD.html file:
if (document.location.href.indexOf("http:") > -1) {
document.location.href = document.location.href.replace(/http:\/\//, "https://");
If you already have a key pair (private and signed public) in a keystore (.jks, or .pfx/pkcs12) or as separate files (.pem) just make sure the server.xml file is pointing to them and restart the Noodle service. (see below for server.xml examples)
keytool -genkey -alias noodle.domain.tld -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keystore noodle.pfx
Once this command has been entered, Keytool will ask some questions regarding your company. Enter information as follows:
Popular Certificate Authorities (CA) include Let's Encrypt, Thawte, VeriSign, GoDaddy, Network Solutions.
keytool -certreq -alias noodle.domain.tld -keystore noodle.pfx -file noodlecert.csr
After uploading the file or pasting the text from that file in the CA,
Select "Tomcat" as the format when downloading your signed public key from your CA.
keytool -import -alias carootcert -trustcacerts -file ca-root.crt -keystore noodle.pfx
keytool -import -alias intermediate -trustcacerts -file intermediate.crt -keystore noodle.pfx
keytool -import -alias noodle.domain.tld -trustcacerts -file noodlecert.crt -keystore noodle.pfx
Edit server.xml by adding and adjusting the following example:
<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="443" defaultSSLHostConfigName="null" SSLEnabled="true" >
<UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
<SSLHostConfig hostName="null" protocols="TLSv1.2,+TLSv1.3">
<Certificate type="RSA" certificateKeystoreFile="noodle.pfx" certificateKeystorePassword="123456"/>
Noodle can now be accessed using the HTTPS protocols.
If using Windows make sure The NoodleHTTPS entry in the your firewall is enabled and the correct port.
Consider a free certificate (not self signed) as an alternative to not using SSL. server.xml example:
<Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="443" defaultSSLHostConfigName="noodle.domain.tld" SSLEnabled="true" > <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" /> <SSLHostConfig hostName="noodle.domain.tld" protocols="TLSv1.2,+TLSv1.3"> <Certificate certificateKeyFile="/etc/letsencrypt/live/noodle.domain.tld/privkey.pem" certificateFile="/etc/letsencrypt/live/noodle.domain.tld/cert.pem" certificateChainFile="/etc/letsencrypt/live/noodle.domain.tld/fullchain.pem" type="RSA" /> </SSLHostConfig> </Connector>
Read how here.
Read how here.
Converting is not required as jks, pfx(pkcs12), pem are all supported.