System Administration

System Administration information

How to prevent emails from Noodle from being marked as spam.

If you are hosted by Vialect and are using in the SMTP settings half of it is already taken care of:

  • If using SPF add our mail server, then verify with.
    • Lin
      dig sub.domain.tld TXT +short | grep spf
    • Win
      nslookup -type=TXT sub.domain.tld | findstr spf
  • If using Google mail client add a filter (to add a tag) for anything with your Noodle domain name in it.
  • If you are using an SPF please add

If hosting Noodle on your own server or using your own SMTP server, additionally:

  • Whitelist the Noodle server (Postfix, Spamassassin, Exchange)
  • Use authentication in the Noodle setting
    • [user:pass@]domain.tld[:port][,protocol]

Another option is to use something like in the "Send system emails from" system setting.

Check potential issues from

System Tools > Analytics > electronic mail address issues

Restarting Noodle service

  • Microsoft
    • sc stop noodle
    • sc start noodle
  • Linux like sysvinit/Upstart
    • service noodle restart
  • Linux like Systemd
    • systemctl restart noodle
  • Linux like launchd
    • launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/noodle.plist
    • launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/noodle.plist
  • Linux like SMF
    • svcadm restart noodle

  1. Make sure the port you want to use is not already in use:
    • Linux-like systems
      • netstat -ln | grep ":80 "
    • Microsoft
      • netstat -na | findstr ":80"
  2. Edit the connection port in server.xml (a text file) to an available port.
  3. Remember to update the OS and network firewalls.
  4. restart the Noodle service
  5. Update the Noodle setting “System Tools > Settings > URL for Noodle”

Microsoft Windows runs http.sys on port 80 by default. Disable http.sys by running these 2 commands:

  1. sc config http start= disabled
  2. net stop http /y

Or if you want to use both you can bind them to different IPs:

  1. http.sys IP (netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=
  2. Noodle IP (Edit the connection address in server.xml to

LAN security options for the server:

  • Whole disk encryption (prevents bypassing security by reading the disk with another computer).
  • Dedicated server (reduces exploitable surface area).
  • Automated Linux updates
  • Firewall blocking all but ssh and the Noodle http[s] ports (reduces exploitable surface area).
  • ssh keys (prevents password guessing on ssh).
  • IDS, and resource alerts

List of most to least secure ways of connecting to the Noodle service:

  1. On a network not (even indirectly) connected to the internet.
    • online features will necessarily not work;
      • email
      • upgrade button
      • unsplash
      • auto ssh
      • etc
  2. On a network only indirectly connected to the internet.
  3. On a public network with a firewall or NAT port forwarding blocking all but one port.
  4. On a public network.

Public network security options:

  • DNS CAA records
  • HTTP headers (content-security-policy, strict-transport-security, etc)
  • White list
  • Auto blacklisting enabled.
  • "Session Security Level" to 4 (prevent session hijacking).
  • IWA or 2 factor authentication.
  • "Minimum password length" to 8 (make password guessing harder).
  • Encrypted VPN or ssh tunnel.
  • Anonymity networks like tor can be used, optionally with ssl or ssh (in practice will prevent anyone, including governments, from knowing what server a user is talking to).

    • Instead of downgrading we encourage you to report issues and then upgrade to a fixed version.
    • A new unwanted feature can often be made optional by adding a setting to disable it.
    • To test customizations against a new version we recommend cloning the VM or DB to a test instance to try the upgrade out before applying it to the production version.
    • If only the last number of the version has changed, downgrade by replacing its lib directory with the old version.
    • If the second number in the version changes reverting the database structure will require a custom build.