User Usage

User Usage Information

Noodle allows you to change much of it's appearance and some of it's behavior.

The simple changes:

  • Change the logo in the top left and on the login screen in System Tools>Settings>General Settings
  • Change the Colors from the same place.
  • add, remove, sort, and nest applications in the navigation.
  • add some fancy widgets

Advanced changes:

  • Backup a copy of the CSS and customize it in the settings.

Appearance and beyond:

Some browsers incorrectly cache HTTP 302 "Found/Moved temporarily" and 303 "See Other" redirects as if they were 301 "Permanent Redirect"s.


The "Too many redirects" error can be temporarily fixed In the "Safari" menu by selecting "Reset Safari".


Disabling "Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly" is advised.

Other ways to insert JavaScript here

  1. Press the "Edit" button
  2. Press the "More" button
  3. Press the "Source" button
  4. make a script tag
  5. put your Javascript in it

If you want to use the page re-writer or otherwise effect other pages you will have to escape the scope of the page:

function temp(){
	        var doc=top.noodle.mainWindow().document;
	        var url=doc.location.href;
                //your code here

If your browser is capable Videos will play in the browser from the folder and Media applications, and from embedded in Pages etc;

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
    <source src="/ShowItemData.po?path=/folder/example.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <source src="/ShowItemData.po?handle=1&filename=example.ogg" type="video/ogg">
    <source src="//domain.tld/example.webm" type="video/webm">
    Please use a modern browser for video support.


  • ffmpeg can be used to thumbnail and transcode.
    • Noodle will thumbnail images and videos for you.
    • make sure to encode with the "faststart" flag;
      ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -codec copy -movflags +faststart out.mp4
  • MediaInfo can be used to inspect.
    • Verify faststart/IsStreamable;
      mediainfo -f file.mp4 | grep IsStreamable
  • handbrake is a nice GUI for encoding
    • make sure to encode with "web optimized"
  • djpeg + pngtopnm + pnmscale can be used to thumbnail non-progressive jpgs of any size with minimal RAM usage.

Vialect enjoys using all the most popular browsers and with this post aims to inform clients of the quirks that come with browser usage. Web Browser support:

1) Microsoft internet explorer ( 11, 38 )

  • -New versions do not support old OSs
  • -Windows only
  • -Is disabled for admin on windows server, and has unusable defaults for other users.
  • -no WebRTC support

2) Mozilla Firefox ( 55, m )

  • +mobile plugins

3) Google chrome ( 61, m )

  • +Newest, fastest, and Most secure browser

4) Mobile safari

  • -Is the only option for iOS
  • -Has some serious cookie/cashing/redirect issues sometimes
  • -Scrolling smoothness and HTML5 support is behind, lacking iframe support
  • -no WebRTC support

There is a limitation of the PostgreSQL installer if you are using windows domains.

The installer will need to make a postgres user that have write permissions on %PROGRAMFILES%\Postgres.

If the PostgreSQL is/will-be unable to do so, please setup the permissions beforehand. Adding write for "Everyone" or adding rights for a new postgres user with the default password Pgsq1p@ssword will avert this limitation.

If you tried a normal noodle install and you have a black "upgrade in progress" screen then this is likely the problem. There is no need to reinstall noodle; just uninstall PostgreSQL, set up the permissions, download the PGInstaller and reinstall PostgreSQL.

After you install PostgreSQL you will need to edit the pg_hba.conf and make sure there is a " password" line.
Next run the init.sql in the Noodle folder with PGAdmin3 one line at a time.
Restart the PostgreSQL then Noodle service.

Bookmarks or "favorites" are a basic but very useful browser feature.  Noodle has a simple yet powerful bookmark system featuring tabs to organize your most frequently used applications.  Users can set up their own custom tabs in the Quickbar which can include a link to any application or page the user has the rights to access.

  1. From the My Profile Page, click the edit button in the top right.  In the General Settings Tab choose Yes to Display Quickbar.  Save your changes and log back in to Noodle to apply. Select the Edit link that now appears in the top left under the Toolbar Logo to open the Quickbar Settings.
  1. Add a tab by entering a name into the textbox below the list of currently available tabs.  (Ex. Company Forms or Personal Pages...)  Select Create New to save. When a tab is selected, a list of it's linked applications or pages will now be shown in the lower list.  Click  "Add New" and select an application in the new window to create a link to another application.

Shortcut names may be altered from this menu by selecting them in the lower list and entering a new name for them in the textbox.  Select Rename.
Quickbar tab names may also be changed in the same fashion.