User Usage

User Usage Information

To get a screen share from Vialect please use any free offering:

Or send us a link to a paid service:

Or let us know if you have some other preference.

Currently not working on some Web Browsers:

  • Microsoft Teams [CoreError::LAYOUT_ERROR][Error::Cannot return null for non-nullable field AuthenticationUserProfile.upn.]

Add the following to the Host tag in server.xml

<Context docBase="ROOT" override="true">
    <Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000"/>

Add the following to multiserver or intranet.bat

-Xmx1000m -Xms1000m -XX:+UseG1GC

To display timestamps exported from Noodle to csv files in Microsoft Excel, format the column as custom with this pattern;

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000

To show just the date one of these formulae can be used;


To show just the time one of these formulae can be used;


Like all formula the above examples can be applied to whole columns by copy pasting, dragging, or double clicking.

Note that Microsoft Excel does not respect original formatting so any save (without any edit) can convert a timestamp into a number representing seconds since epoch.

certbot renew --quiet --manual --preferred-challenges dns \
--manual-public-ip-logging-ok \
--manual-auth-hook \

ssh $DNS "nsupdate <( echo \"server
update delete _acme-challenge.$CERTBOT_DOMAIN.
update add _acme-challenge.$CERTBOT_DOMAIN. 3600 TXT $CERTBOT_VALIDATION
quit\" )"
sleep 10

See letsencrypt for other options.

Noodle respects requests for dark mode with the "prefers-color-scheme:dark" CSS that can be customized.

Web Browsers respect requests for dark mode by the Operating System, and can be customized:

  • Firefox:
    • about:config > ui.systemUsesDarkTheme=1
  • Firefox(Android):
    • Settings > Customize > Dark
  • Chrome(Desktop):
    • chrome://flags > "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents"
    • Note that as of v85 Chrome "prefers-color-scheme" is not supported, instead chrome will attempt to write it's own CSS for the page, often causing breakage (still true @ v105).
    • use chrome --force-dark-mode --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode to fix bug on Linux.

Operating Systems can be customized to use dark mode:

  • Windows:
    • Settings > Personalization > Colors > Choose your color > Dark
  • MacOS:
    • Apple > System Preferences, General, Appearance > Dark
  • Gnome/KDE(Linux):
    • Settings > Appearance > Dark
    • Tweaks > Appearance > Legacy > Dark
  • Android(Linux):
    • Settings > Display > Dark theme
  • iOS:
    • Settings > Display & Brightness > Dark

Other sites that support dark mode as of 2020:

Other sites that support dark mode as of 2025:

The Business Continuity Plan for local installs is mostly up to the client and we provide a site export feature by which all data is converted to standard formats in a zip file to avoid vendor lock-in. We also have a HA option. and restoring from backups can be tested in a virtual machine.

Hosted instances have security measures in place and can be restored to any cloud or local environment. We maintain backup domains with multiple registries.



set -e



if [ "$D" == "" ] ; then
	echo NO >&2
	exit 1
if [ -f $COOKIE ] ; then
	echo "already running"
	exit 2;
wget -q "$SERVER/HandleLogin.po" --post-data="user_name=$U&user_password=$P" --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies $COOKIE -O /dev/null
wget -q "$SERVER/datamanager/MainWindow.po"  --load-cookies $COOKIE -O "$TMP"
CSRF=$(< "$TMP" perl -pe 's/(<)/\n$1/g' | grep CSRF | perl -pe 's/^.*value="//g;s/".*$//g')
rm "$TMP"
wget -q "$SERVER/datamanager/HandleMainWindow.po" --post-data="CSRF=$CSRF&folder=$F&val5440=$D" --load-cookies $COOKIE -O /dev/null