- Make sure the port you want to use is not already in use:
- Linux-like systems
- netstat -ln | grep ":80 "
- Microsoft
- netstat -na | findstr ":80"
- Edit the connection port in server.xml (a text file) to an available port.
- Remember to update the OS and network firewalls.
- restart the Noodle service
- Update the Noodle setting “System Tools > Settings > URL for Noodle”
Microsoft Windows runs http.sys on port 80 by default. Disable http.sys by running these 2 commands:
- sc config http start= disabled
- net stop http /y
Or if you want to use both you can bind them to different IPs:
- http.sys IP (netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=
- Noodle IP (Edit the connection address in server.xml to