Author Archives: TimL

mailto has no defined limit on the number of characters but there are limits in practice (as of 2015)

Web Browsers:

  •  Apple Safari
    • 705000000
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56
    • limited by 16GB RAM
  • Mozilla Firefox
    • 268435455
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
    • limited by maximum string length
  • Google Chrome
    • 2097132
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
    • limited without explanation
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    • 2029
    • Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; rv:11.0) like Gecko
    • limited without explanation

Email Clients:

  • Mozilla Thunderbird
    • 2097132 works in 1 second
    • 268435455 uses 100% CPU for 2 minutes but fails to render the body and is not usable
    • version 38.3.0
  • SeaMonkey
    • 2097132 works in 5 seconds
    • 268435455 uses 100% CPU for a long time (more than 5 minutes)
    • version 2.38
  • Apple Mail
    • 500000 works in 14 seconds
    • 2097132 uses 100% CPU for a long time (more than 5 minutes)
    • version 8.2
  • Microsoft Outlook
    • trims any url to 2070 in 1 second
    • version 2013

There is a Microsoft Office bug (2019105) that will attempt WebDAV windows authentication from non WebDAV links. To work around this bug the server can specify the "Content-Disposition" header as an "attachment" (requesting the browser save the file instead of opening it). Microsoft Internet Explorer will still ask if you want to open the file but will not attempt WebDAV. When making links with ShowItemData.po use the "download" in place of the "filename" parameter. For example:


If someone tries to brute force passwords their IP will be blocked.

  • This works like fail2ban
  • The IP will be denied access then un-listed after 24 hours
  • IPs are listed in noodle.log
  • This can be immediately cleared by restarting the Noodle service
  • The feature may be disabled or specific whitelisting entries added from the System Settings > Security section
  • The default threshold (20 failures per minute) may be adjusted  via the BlackList.PerMinuteThreshold option in
  • One proxy or NAT user can get many or all users blocked due to shared IP.
    • If all users share the same NAT, it's best to have the Noodle server on the LAN side of that NAT.
    • Best to route to the Noodle server with the "Transport layer" instead of the "application layer" (NAT port forward vs HTTP proxy).

  1. Use a mobile device that is not restrictive (LineageOS is recommended) or at least permits the Installation of Google Chrome.Push_1
  2. Install Google Chrome.Push_2
  3. Open Noodle (SSL must be used).Push_3
  4. Login.Push_4
  5. View Messages, and click subscribe.Push_5
  6. Use a desktop browser to create and fill in the push URL setting.Push_6
  7. Push subscribe with your mobile again, and now when someone sends you an instant message you will be Notified. Notifications will also show up on smart watches.Push_7

Emails can be sent in the following 5 ways:

  • Subscriptions (per user)
    • My Profile > Edit > What's New > Subscription
    • System Tools > People > [USER] > What's New > Subscription
    • System Tools > Settings > General > Email usage report
  • Auto notifications (per folder)
    • Administration > Auto Notification
    • (supported folder application types only)
  • Workflow (per folder)
    • Workflow Tab
    • (supported folder application types only)
  • Memo manger (per site)
    • System application
  • Mention and reply
    • Can be disabled in Profile > Edit > Email on mention
  • Notification (any item or folder)
    • any user can notify any other user of any item
  • Password reset
    • System Tools > Security > General > Allow the "Forgot my Password" feature
  • Health warnings

How to prevent emails from Noodle from being marked as spam.

If you are hosted by Vialect and are using in the SMTP settings half of it is already taken care of:

  • If using SPF add our mail server, then verify with.
    • Lin
      dig sub.domain.tld TXT +short | grep spf
    • Win
      nslookup -type=TXT sub.domain.tld | findstr spf
  • If using Google mail client add a filter (to add a tag) for anything with your Noodle domain name in it.
  • If you are using an SPF please add

If hosting Noodle on your own server or using your own SMTP server, additionally:

  • Whitelist the Noodle server (Postfix, Spamassassin, Exchange)
  • Use authentication in the Noodle setting
    • [user:pass@]domain.tld[:port][,protocol]

Another option is to use something like in the "Send system emails from" system setting.

Check potential issues from

System Tools > Analytics > electronic mail address issues

The Search Bar gives Noodle users the power to quickly and conveniently locate Noodle content.

In the following example, the user has decided to search using the search text 'Accounting'. Noodle will now present the user a list of all matches based on the search criteria given:

The user may now click one of the links shown to be taken to the information page for that file. Any results that are contained in a folder will direct a user to the information page - others such as emails and forum posts, the user will be taken directly to