Author Archives: TimL

The first encrypted request after starting Noodle can be 3 orders of magnitude slower than normal due to random entropy pool depletion. If your server suffers from this issue (most EC2 servers) you can verify by checking the pool size:

cd /proc/sys/kernel/random/ && cat poolsize entropy_avail

There are at least 3 solutions to a depleted pool:

1 Hardware

Some hardware includes random generators (like the rdrand CPU flag):

grep -ic rdrand /proc/cpuinfo

You can enable its use with:


apt install rng-tools
systemctl start rng-tools.service
systemctl enable rng-tools.service


yum install rng-tools
systemctl start rngd.service
systemctl enable rngd.service

2 urandom

If you don't have a hardware generator or you don't trust it you can edit /opt/Noodle/multiserver to use:

Or edit in $JRE8/lib/security or $JRE9/conf/security to use:


3 haveged

For higher throughput and lower CPU usage than urandom haveged can be used but it can still block:


apt install haveged
systemctl start haveged.service
systemctl enable haveged.service


yum install haveged
systemctl start haveged.service
systemctl enable haveged.service

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  • The support included in your Noodle subscription includes phone, email, and remote assistance for system administration, application usage, and troubleshooting.
  • Customization can normally be accomplished through the user interface which we help with by providing example scripts. Feature requests beyond customization cost extra valued on a per requirement basis.

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Some intermediate servers (proxy/gateway/firewall/router/etc) will answer a request from the browser on behalf of the server. If this happens frequently and you are unable to change the intermediate server to avoid this (supporting 2 minute connections is a good start) you can use


use that as a last resort as it can cause further UI interference.

yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y bc ntp.x86_64 screen tree catdoc id3lib html2text unrtf p7zip-plugins.x86_64  libjpeg-turbo.x86_64 poppler-utils unzip.x86_64 netpbm-progs.x86_64 perl-Image-ExifTool.noarch postgresql-server.x86_64 postgresql-contrib.x86_64 java-11-openjdk.x86_64;
rpm -Uvh;
yum install -y ffmpeg;
newcfg (){
	chown --reference="$F" "$F".new
	chmod --reference="$F" "$F".new
	mv -f "$F".new "$F"

/usr/bin/postgresql-setup initdb
chkconfig  --level 235 postgresql on
cp $TMP $TMP.original
cat $TMP | grep -vP "^ *host.*127" > $
echo -e "host\tall\tall\t127.0.0.1/32\tpassword" >> $
newcfg $TMP
cp $TMP $TMP.original
MT=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | perl -pe 's/^[^ ]* *([0-9]+) *kB$/$1\/1000/g');
ECS=$(echo "($MT-(512+256))/2" | bc);
SB=$(echo "($MT-(512+256))/4" | bc);
cat $TMP | perl -pe 's/^#?(effective_cache_size)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^ \t]+([ \t].*)?$/$1 = '$ECS'MB$2/g' \
| perl -pe 's/^#?(shared_buffers)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^ \t]+([ \t].*)?$/$1 = '$SB'MB$2/g' \
| perl -pe 's/^#?(max_locks_per_transaction)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^ \t]+([ \t].*)?$/$1 = 512$2/g' \
| perl -pe 's/^#?(max_connections)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^ \t]+([ \t].*)?$/$1 = 60$2/g' \
| perl -pe 's/^#?(checkpoint_segments)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^ \t]+([ \t].*)?$/$1 = 30$2/g' \
| perl -pe 's/^#?(log_min_duration_statement)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^ \t]+([ \t].*)?$/$1 = 30000$2/g' \
| perl -pe 's/^#?(log_line_prefix)[ \t]*=[ \t]*[^#]+(#.*)?$/$1 = '\''%m: '\''\t\t$2/g' \
> $
newcfg $TMP
service postgresql start

#Noodle (first take note of your available ram and java location)
tar -zxf ./Noodle.tar.gz
su postgres -c 'cd ~/;/usr/bin/psql -d postgres -U postgres --file /opt/Noodle/init.sql' 
cd ./Noodle
cp noodle.daemon /etc/init.d/noodle
chkconfig --add noodle
chkconfig --levels 235 noodle on
service noodle start

Remember to permit traffic through your remote and local firewalls.

firewall-cmd --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

Other Linux Installation examples available.

(see also latest version howto and version notes)

ssh root@my.server.tld

yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
chkconfig --level 235 postgresql on
service postgresql start
vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# password
vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
#    maintenance_work_mem=128000
#    autovacuum = on
service postgresql restart
su postgres
pgsql -U postgres
create user noodleuser with superuser password 'some long password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE noodledb to noodleuser;

##java (get an updated url from
cd /opt
wget '' -O jre.tar.gz
tar -zxf jre.tar.gz
rm -f jre.tar.gz

#    you can use yum-priorities and rpmforge or you can do it from source
yum install p7zip p7zip-plugins
#    you might need to make a link from 7z to 7z[ar] for "which 7z" to work

wget somewhere/Noodle.tar.gz
tar -xvvf ./Noodle.tar.gz
cd ./noodle

Other Linux Installation examples available.

sudo -i
apt update
apt -y upgrade
apt -y dist-upgrade
apt install -y postgresql-contrib tree p7zip-full sysstat catdoc antiword html2text unrtf libid3-tools ffmpeg openjdk-8-jre poppler-utils unzip
cd /opt
tar -xf ./Noodle.tar.gz
cd ./Noodle
su postgres -c 'cd ~/;psql --file /opt/Noodle/init.sql'
mv noodle.daemon /etc/init.d/noodle
update-rc.d noodle defaults
service noodle start

Other Linux Installation examples available.

(see also howto get a new version of PGSQL )

sudo -i
apt-get install -y postgresql-9.3 postgresql-contrib-9.3 default-jre p7zip-full screen
cd /opt
tar -xf ./Noodle.tar.gz
cd ./Noodle
echo "host all all password" >> /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
service postgres start
su postgres -c 'cd ~/;psql --file /opt/Noodle/init.sql'
mv noodle.daemon /etc/init.d/noodle
service noodle start
update-rc.d noodle defaults

Other Linux Installation examples available.