JavaScript – Reports to
This code can be added to a re-writer to select no manager by default How to make "Reports to" default to nothing or a selected user instead of the current user: if(url.indexOf("UserDetails.po")>-1 && url.indexOf("user=")
This code can be added to a re-writer to select no manager by default How to make "Reports to" default to nothing or a selected user instead of the current user: if(url.indexOf("UserDetails.po")>-1 && url.indexOf("user=")
There are prehtml posthtml prejs postjs JavaScript events on select pages. The prejs and postjs events are for the running of the JS not for the loading of scripts by the browser. There can me multiple postjs events as it's triggered after any ajax that adds to the page. Nothing other than custom scripts listen ...continue reading
You need custom scripts enabled. function myico(){ var link = top.document.createElement("link"); link.type = "image/x-icon"; link.rel = "shortcut icon"; link.href = "/ShowItemData.po?handle=975527&download=favicon.ico"; top.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(link); } myico();
Other ways to insert JavaScript here Press the "Edit" button Press the "More" button Press the "Source" button make a script tag put your Javascript in it If you want to use the page re-writer or otherwise effect other pages you will have to escape the scope of the page: <script> function temp(){ if(!top.noodle.custom){ top.noodle.custom=function(){ ...continue reading
You need custom scripts enabled. top.document.title = "Intranet"; function titleChange() { if(!top.noodle || !top.noodle.core || !top.noodle.core.title){ setTimeout("titleChange();", 1000); return; } top.noodle.core.title="Intranet"; top.document.title = top.noodle.core.title; } setTimeout("titleChange();", 1000); This is an example only; if you want to change the title please use "System Tools > Settings > Theme"
You need custom scripts enabled. var d = top.noodle.headWindow().document; d.getElementById("currentUserName")"block"; d.getElementById("currentUserId").style.display="none"; d.getElementById("currentUser").style.display="none"; d.getElementById("status").style.display="none";
Custom scripts allow you to change the appearance and some actions of Noodle. You can inject custom javascript into Noodle on the login page, the main bar, and from any rich text input such as an announcement widget. You need access to the server for the main bar and login page but any user can use JavaScript injection from an announcement widget ...continue reading
Adding the following to your script injection will enable you to make page specific customizations: function temp(){ if (!top.noodle) { setTimeout(temp, 100); } if (top.noodle.custom) { return; } top.noodle.custom = function (){ var doc=top.noodle.mainWindow().document; var url=doc.location.href; //your code go here } }temp();
Make sure you adhere to formatting restrictions. 1. Add or un-comment the following line in the file: ScriptFile = “noodleScript.js” 2. Add custom JavaScript to noodleScript.js 3. Restart Noodle. To test put this in the noodleScript.js: alert("It works"); Save it and re-login to Noodle. Other ways to insert custom JavaScript here. You may want to ...continue reading
You need custom scripts enabled and a page re-writer setup. if (url.indexOf("datamanager/ReportView.po")>-1){ doc.getElementById("totalsTable").style.display="none"; }