WF(Workflow) enables you to create your own logic you want documents/form-entries to follow.
You can have one WF per folder/database.
A WF consists of steps, linking them together creates a path.
A WF step type can be either a Choice or Action.
Action WF steps have one or no possible path to proceed on when completed.
Choice WF steps have two(YES, and NO) or one possible path to proceed on when completed.
WF step internals:
WF steps can have type, name, option, data, people, and path specified for them.
The interface will change depending on what type the user selects.
WF step type, name, and path are fairly self explanatory.
The people settings can be one user, one group or both. This allows for flexibility in how you choose who an email is sent to or who needs to approve the document.
The data field will change to be a different self explanatory input UI for each type of step.
The option input determines how the step type should behave.
All: Requires the selected User and all of the Users in the selected Group to approve OR disapprove for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
One: Requires the selected User or one of the Users in the selected Group to approve OR disapprove for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
Wait for All: Requires the selected User and all of the Users in the selected Group to approve or disapprove for the step to proceed.
Wait for one: Requires the selected User or one of the Users in the selected Group to approve or disapprove for the step to proceed.
Unanimous Approval: Requires the selected User and all of the Users in the selected Group to approve for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
Only Approval: Requires there to be no Disapprovals from selected User and all of the Users in the selected Group for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
One: Requires the selected User or one of the Users in the selected Group to choose one of the listed values for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
Wait for one: Requires the selected User or one of the Users in the selected Group to choose one of the listed values for the step to proceed.
Expiry Time
Pass before: Requires the item to be younger then the selected time for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
Wait for: Requires the item to be older then the selected time for it to proceed.
Jump here every: The item proceeds to this step (skipping other workflow steps) on the period selected.
Jump here after: The item proceeds to this step (skipping other workflow steps) after the selected time.
All: Requires the selected User and all of the Users in the selected Group to have contributed for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
One: Requires the selected User or one of the Users in the selected Group to have contributed for the step to pass, otherwise it fails.
Wait for All: Requires the selected User and all of the Users in the selected Group to have contributed for the step to proceed.
Wait for one: Requires the selected User or one of the Users in the selected Group to have contributed for the step to proceed.
Email Notify
All: Sends email to all selected Users.
Pending Approve/Disapprove: Sends email to selected Users that have not yet Approved or Disapproved the item.
Pending Contributions: Sends email to selected Users that have not yet Contributed to the item.
Creator: Sends email to the User who Created or Uploaded the item.
Last Modified: Sends email to the last User to Contribute to the item.
Move - move the item to the selected folder (causing the item to exit this workflow).
Send IM - Same as Email Notify (See above)
Delete - remove the item (causing the item to exit this workflow until it is undeleted).
Wait for Change - Items will wait at this Step until they are updated (modified, Approved/Disapproved, or reprocessed).