

Tags are a modern web feature that provide an innovative and useful way to group content. This ensures that regardless of name, type or location, any file, event, post, blog entry - indeed any type of activity can be assigned a Tag that will ensure it can be located by any user that needs it. Tags can be created in the What's New section, and also from the Search Results page. Click on the Tags tab at the top of the window and a menu will appear below it that shows the current Tags.

Creating Tags

Tags can be created using this interface. Click on the Add Tag button, enter a name into the text box and press Enter to save.

Deleting Tags

Tags can be deleted from any location they can be created. Simply mouse-over the Tag and click the 'x'.

Assigning Tags to Items

All items on the intranet (files, blogs, discussions, form entries, etc..) have a "Options" icon next to them. Click on the Options icon and select information from the drop down menu. From the information page you can easily add meta-data including tags.