User Usage

User Usage Information

There are prehtml posthtml prejs postjs JavaScript events on select pages.
The prejs and postjs events are for the running of the JS not for the loading of scripts by the browser.
There can me multiple postjs events as it's triggered after any ajax that adds to the page.
Nothing other than custom scripts listen for these events.

Usage example:

function my_method(){alert("hello world");}
top.noodle.cbc.addEventListener(top.document.getElementById('main'), 'postjs', my_method);

or if you are using IE:

function my_method(e){if(e.noodle=="postjs"){alert("hello world");}}
top.noodle.cbc.addEventListener(top.document.getElementById('main'), 'propertychange', my_method);

Safari (GET/POST) requests sometimes block other requests.
In order to keep Noodle responsive we have disabled the instant features of Noodle on Safari.
We don't recommend using Safari; we do recommend Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

All quiz answers should be quite short (no setup or output, many assumptions)

  1. In IE with JavaScript get an xml object (as sent from the server) from an iframe
  2. Dynamically call a java Class and method from within java
  3. List the values of a column that have a 2nd column who's value is not in any other row with SQL
  4. From a POISX CLI in one line individually compress all iso files in all sub directories using no loops and with the date inserted into the filenames
  5. Output a Git histoy from the beginning of the year in the format "graph tab date tab message"

For each question:

1 point for doing something logical
1 point for understanding/answering the question asked
1 point for getting a working answer
1 bonus point for being concise or explaining why the question/answer is useful

Clearing the DNS cache on your computer:

ipconfig /flushdns


dscacheutil -flushcache


/etc/init.d/nscd restart

You can't clear the cache on your ISPs DNS servers but you can use different servers (opendns, googledns, etc)

You need custom scripts enabled.

var doc=top.noodle.headWindow().document;
var el=doc.getElementById("helpLink");"";

You need custom scripts enabled.

var doc=top.noodle.headWindow().document;
var el=doc.getElementById("status");"none";

The Noodle search is located on the top bar, additionally you can search from the search widget and some application types.

  • Search indexes file names, descriptions, keywords, and the content of text files( and other formats and meta data if configured).
  • If your search results are to broad you can click on the advanced link and filter them.
  • Words in file names and titles are prioritized over those in the contents.
  • If you are looking for the most resent changes on Noodle try the What's New.